GreenClean Pro 50 lb Granular Algaecide
- UPC:
- 850030517890
- Availability:
- Min. order quantity of 4 bags. Ships via Truck Freight due to hazmat classification
- Minimum Purchase:
- 4 units
- Shipping:
- Free Shipping
GreenClean Pro Granular Algaecide & Bactericide
- Kills algae
- Kills cyanobacteria- filamentous and planktonic blue-green algae
- Immediate results
- Safer alternative to copper sulfate
GreenClean Pro is a sodium carbonate peroxyhydrate based algaecide / fungicide used to treat a broad range of algae including cyanobacteria.
Sodium carbonate peroxyhydrate decomposes rapidly into sodium carbonate and hydrogen peroxide when introduced to water.
How fast does GreenClean work?
GreenClean Pro effects can be seen immediately. This treatment creates bubbling caused by the hydrogen peroxide along with bleaching / discoloration and floating dead organic matter.
How to use GreenClean Pro:
For the best results treat in the early morning of a calm sunny day ensuring even distribution of product. Both sunlight and higher temperatures increase effectiveness of GreenClean Pro
For thicker mats of algae it may be necessary to break them up before treatment to allow the product to saturate the mat. Skimming the surface of the pond is recommended in order to remove the dead algae in your pond so it does not sink to the bottom and add to the nutrients responsible for algae blooms. An alternative to skimming the pond for dead algae and organic matter is to treat the bottom of the pond with Muck Remover tablets.
General Green Clean Pro Granular Application Instructions:
Heavy algae growth: 20 - 100 lbs per acre foot
2 - 10 lbs per 1,000 gallons
Low algae growth: 2 - 10 lbs per acre foot
1 - 3 lbs per 1,000 gallons
Treating surface cyanobacteria: 100 lbs per acre
Treating nostoc algae: 4 - 10 lbs per 1,000 square feet
*Do not bring GreenClean in contact with other pesticides, cleaners or oxidative agents. Do not mix with aquatic herbicides or algaecides.
No water use restrictions after application
How to spread GreenClean Granular
Broadcast Green Clean Pro over the surface of the pond or lake with mechanical spreader or by hand(gloved hand).
What to expect after algaecide treatment:
Much like other chemical treatments it is important to allow a minimum of 48 hours between treatments. It is recommended to clean the area of any undissolved pellets to avoid human and animal contact with the product and to clearly identify the desired target plant as contact burns can on other species.
When treating for cyanobacteria, re-apply recommended dosage rate 2 days after initial treatment for best results. Following GreenClean treatment, apply MetaFloc to bind phosphorus released from the dying cyanobacteria cells. Phosphorus removal is important to the long term control of cyanobacteria.
Effective control of cyanobacteria bloom
Cyanobacteria is known to be more sensitive to hydrogen peroxide than other forms of algae and primary producers. Cyanobacteria is believed to be more susceptible to hydrogen peroxide for multiple reasons.
The photosystems in cyanobacteria are not within an organelle and are therefore not as protected making them vulnerable. Cyanobacteria are also more affected because, unlike many other algae and phytoplankton, cyanobacteria do not produce enzymes that readily break down hydrogen peroxide.
While many use copper sulfate to control cyanobacteria, GreenClean Pro provides a safer and more effective cyanobacteria treatment.
How will GreenClean Pro arrive?
The product will ship via Truck Freight. The 50 lb bags of GreenClean are placed on a pallet and shipped on an enclosed truck. The freight company will arrange delivery.