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Cattail Killer Pack

Shipping Restrictions: Cannot be shipped to AK, CA, CT, HI, NJ, NY
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  • Cattail Killer Pack to kill cattails
  • kill cattails around pond
  • what kills cattails
  • Best Cattail Control
  • Shoreline weed killer
  • Kill cattails quickly to prevent pond takeover

Cattail Killer Pack - best chemical to kill cattails

  • Control Cattails and Stands of Phragmites
  • Kills weeds to the roots
  • Perfect for cleaning up shorelines of emergent aquatic weeds
  • Mixture yields faster results than aquatic herbicide alone

The Cattail Killer Pack is a professional grade shoreline weed killer treatment formulated to target cattails, phragmites, and bulrush. Cattails and overgrown shoreline weeds can limit shoreline access in recreational ponds hindering fishing, swimming, and boating. The Cattail Killer Pack includes two product enhancers (Cattzilla and MSO) to increase the penetration and efficiency of the Clearcast herbicide.


Cattail Killer Pack Includes:

What does the Cattail Killer Pack do?

Clearcast- Systemic Herbicide that is used on emergent weeds (weeds that grow above the water), kills vegetation to the root system

MSO- Surfactant, acts as a sticking agent for Clearcast

Cattzilla- Improves herbicide penetration through plant, and accelerates breakdown time of stalky weeds

How Do They Work

Clearcast is an aquatic herbicide that is ideally formulated for overgrown shorelines and emergent aquatic weeds that can disrupt a pond’s ecosystem.

Clearcast is a Glyphosate alternative (safer alternative)
Active Ingredient: Imazamox 12.1%

  • Imazamox is a systemic herbicide that kills weeds to the roots meaning no regrowth from treated weeds

When treated with Clearcast, growth will stop as soon as 24 hours post treatment and will break down / decompose the weeds.
Clearcast can be used any time of year when the weeds are actively growing
The chemicals found in Clearcast are only found in plants making this herbicide safe for fish, birds, wildlife, and other aquatic organisms.

Cattzilla is a treatment catalyst meaning that it facilitates chemical reactions between the plant and the chosen herbicide allowing for increased efficiency and penetration of the herbicide.

Catzilla’s main function is to speed up the decomposition of dead stalks and shoots of phragmites, cattails, and similar weeds.
For enhanced decomposition use Muck Remover to continue the breakdown once the stalks and stems have fallen.
SePRO MSO is an adjuvant meaning it acts as a sticking agent for the aquatic herbicide. An adjuvant allows the herbicide to maintain continuous contact with the weed and get to work.
MSO stands for methylated seed oil which is the active ingredient in this particular adjuvant 
SePRO MSO is not a stand alone treatment and is designed to be used along with aquatic herbicides

Coverage Area of Cattail Killer Pack:

Treats 10,000 square feet

What shoreline weeds are controlled by this aquatic herbicide mixture?




Phragmites (common reed)


Aquatic Weed Treatment Instructions:

This is a contact herbicide mixture so ensure all of the desired weeds are covered. Only spray foliage that is above the waters’ surface

Mix 2 oz Clearcast, 32 oz Cattzilla, 2 oz MSO, with 2 gal water in tank sprayer. This mixture will treat 2,500 square feet.

This is a contact herbicide mixture. Spray only on foliage above the water's surface. Completely wet foliage surface. 3 gallon Sprayer sold here

Mixture Rates
Treatment Area
Clearcast Cattzilla MSO Water
2,500 Sq. Feet 2 Ounces 32 Ounces 2 Ounces 2 Gallons
5,000 Sq. Feet 4 Ounces 64 Ounces 4 Ounces 4 Gallons
10,000 Sq. Feet  8 Ounces  1 gallon 8 Ounces 8 Gallons

Mixtures should be tank mixed prior to application


When is the best time to get rid of cattails?

For best results, apply pond treatment to mature plants. This should be applied to target weeds early on a clear sunny day. This gives the aquatic herbicide time to be drawn into the weed during peak photosynthesis.


How long until I see dead aquatic vegetation?

As weeds die they begin to turn yellow. The amount of time it takes to see results varies based on the weed species, but in general you will see results within 10-14 days. 


What happens to the dead cattails?

The vegetation will eventually decay into muck over time if left alone. Once aquatic weeds have died, they can be physically removed manually with a pond rake. Another option is to treat with Muck Remover to break down the dead vegetation. The Muck Remover cleans up shorelines to create a more usable pond, and a healthier habitat for aquatic life. 

Should there be some cattails along the shoreline?

Cattails and other shoreline grasses provide a number of benefits to aquatic life. They provide habitat for young fish, birds, and frogs. Other benefits include erosion control, and filtering run-off as it enters the lake or pond.

Depending on the situation, the Cattail Killer Pack could be used to reduce the amount of cattails without completely eliminating all shoreline growth. Read more about cattails and phragmites.


Active Ingredient: Imazamox

No water use restrictions

Cannot ship to Alaska, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, New Jersey, New York, Washington, Maine, Oregon

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Pond Weed Control
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