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Navigate Granular Herbicide 50 lb

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Navigate Granular Aquatic Herbicide 50 lb

This product is formulated on special heat treated attaclay granules that resist rapid decomposition in water, sink quickly to lake or pond bottoms and release the weed killing chemical into the critical root zone area. This product is designed to selectively control the weeds listed on the label. While certain other weed may be suppressed, control may be incomplete. Reduced control may occur in lakes where water replacement comes from bottom springs.

50 pound bag treats up to 20,000 square feet

Active Ingredient: 2,4-D  27.6%

Pond Weeds Controlled by Navigate

Water Stargrass
Water Lily
Water Shield
Water Chestnut


Identify pond weeds and best chemical treatments here- Aquatic Weed Guide

How to Use Navigate Pond Herbicide

Simply sprinkle Navigate in affected areas at a rate of 5-7.5lbs per 2,000 sq ft.  Initial effects occur in 7 to 10 days, with full kill occurring in 3 to 5 weeks. Once weeds die, they sink to the bottom and decompose. 

Muck Remover beneficial bacteria can be applied to break down dead vegetation naturally.

Application rate varies by target plant, density, and water depth. 

RESTRICTIONS: 1-day swimming restriction, 7-day irrigation restriction, 7-day drinking water restriction 

Full Navigate Safety Data Sheet

WHEN TO APPLY Navigate Aquatic Herbicide

For best results, spread this product in the spring and early summer, during the time pond weeds start to grow. If treatments are delayed until weeds form a dense mat or reach the surface, two treatments may be necessary. Make the second treatment when weeds show signs of recovery. Treatments made after September may be less effective depending upon water temperature and weed growth. 


Rates of application vary with resistance of weed species to the chemical, density of weed mass at time of treatment, stage of growth, water depth, and rate of water fl ow through the treated area. Use the higher rate for dense weeds, when water is more than 8 feet deep and where there is a large volume turnover.

SUSCEPTIBLE WEEDS Water Milfoil (Myriophylum spp.) Water stargrass (Heteranthera dubia)

SLIGHTLY TO MODERATELY RESISTANT WEEDS Bladderwort (Utricularia spp.) White water lily (Nymphaea spp.) Yellow water lily or spatterdock* (Nuphar spp.) Water shield (Brasenia spp.) Water chestnut (Trapa natans) Coontail* (Ceratophyllum demersum) *Repeat treatments may be needed.


Maximum of 4.0 lbs 2,4-D ae or 21 lbs of this product per surface acre per application. Limited to 2 applications per season. Minimum of 21 days between applications. Spot treatments are permitted. Apply to emergent aquatic weeds in ponds, lakes, reservoirs, marshes, bayous, drainage ditches, non-irrigation canals, rivers, and streams that are quiescent or slow moving. Coordination and approval of local and state authorities may be required, either by letter of agreement or issuance of special permits for aquatic applications.


Maximum of 10.8 lbs 2,4-D ae or 56.8 lbs of this product per acre-foot per application. Limited to 2 applications per season. Apply to aquatic weeds in ponds, lakes, reservoirs, marshes, bayous, drainage ditches, non-irrigation canals, rivers, and streams that are quiescent or slow moving. Do not apply within 21 days of previous application. 


Fish breathe oxygen in the water and a water/oxygen ratio must be maintained. Decaying weeds use up oxygen, but during the period when this product should be used, the weed mass is fairly sparse and the weed decomposition rate is slow enough so that the water/oxygen ratio is not disturbed by treating the entire area at one time. If treatments must be applied later in the season when the weed mass is dense and repeat treatments are needed, spread granules in lanes, leaving buffer strips which can then be treated when vegetation in treated lanes has disintegrated. During the growing season, weeds decompose in a 2 to 3 week period following treatment. Buffer lanes should be 50 to 100 feet wide. Treated lanes should be as wide as the buffer strips. (See illustration to the right.) WATER pH Best results are generally obtained if the water to be treated has a pH less than 8. A pH of 8 or higher may reduce weed control. If regrowth occurs within a period of 6 to 8 weeks, a second application may be needed.


In many states, permits are required to control weeds by chemical means in public water. If permits are required, they may be obtained from the Chief, Fish Division, State Department of Conservation or the State Department of Public Health.

Cannot be shipped to Alaska, California, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island or Washington

Navigate Product Reviews:



"Great company, great associates, extremely helpful. Product they recommended worked wonders and is still getting better each week. Wife and I are stunned, but the correct, safe products used are making our pond a place of enjoyment again." -Michael K.


Navigate works really well 

"Navigate works really well on the Mil Foil lake weed and the product was delivered to me in a timely manner. I will be utilizing the product in the future and ordering from this company." - Mary S.


As with all of our products, we offer free technical support.

If you have questions about this product, e-mail us at and we will get right back to you.

Click here for more information about aquatic herbicides available for pond weed control

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Pond Weed Control
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