Muck Remover Pellets 5 lbs $99.99Muck Remover™ Beneficial Bacteria Pellets 5 lbs Beneficial Bacteria Pellets Digests bottom muck from your pond Treat ponds with water down to 38 degrees Safe for fish, wildlife & humans 5 lbs treats up to 1.25 acres. Muck Removal...$99.99 -
Muck Remover Pellets 10 lbs $167.99Muck Remover™ Beneficial Bacteria Pellets 10 lbs Beneficial Bacteria Pellets Digests bottom muck from your pond Treat ponds with water down to 38 degrees Safe for fish, wildlife & humans 10 lbs treats up to 2.5 acres. Muck...$167.99 -
Muck Remover Pellets 25 lb $385.99Muck Remover™ Beneficial Bacteria Pellets 25 lbs Beneficial Bacteria Pellets Digests bottom muck from your pond Treat ponds with water down to 38 degrees Safe for fish, wildlife & humans 25 lbs treats up to 6.25 acres or 1 acre for 3 months Muck...$385.99 -
Muck Remover Pellets 50 lb $699.99Muck Remover™ Beneficial Bacteria Pellets 50 lbs Beneficial Bacteria Pellets Digests bottom muck from your pond Treat ponds with water down to 38 degrees Safe for fish, wildlife & humans 50 lbs treats up to 12.5 acres or 1 acre for 6...$699.99
What Is Pond Muck?
Muck is the accumulation of carbon-based organic waste primarily from decaying plants, algae, fish waste, waterfowl waste, and leaves that fall in the pond. Pond muck is similar to sewage sludge in its chemical composition. The pond sludge is rich in nutrients, making it an ideal growing plac for algae and aquatic weeds. It is particularly rich in nitrogen and nitrogen compounds that are essential to algae growth while also hosting Phosphate, a critical nutrient for algae and also cyanobacteria.
Muck releases hydrogen sulfide gas which is toxic to aquatic insects and fish if concentrations rise above 0.3 mg/L in the pond water.
Side Effects of Muck:
- Foul sulfur-like odor
- Reduction of pond depth overtime
- Reduced water clarity
- Increase in algae blooms including blue-green algae
- Poor, toxic water conditions for fish, wildlife, and humans
- ideal habitat for leeches
How do Muck Remover pellets work?
The strains of natural bacteria and pond enzymes in Muck Remover pellets are selected specifically for their need to digest organic muck to survive. These bacteria aggressively digest fish waste, dead vegetation, leaves, and other decaying
organic matter. As the muck pellets dissolve the biological activity on the pond or lake bottom increases dramatically. Once the muck is digested, the potential for hydrogen sulfide (the source of the rotten egg smell) and other harmful gasses to accumulate in the pond are reduced. Note that pond muck remover pellets work best when a pond aerator is in operation.
Can muck pellets be used to spot-treat shoreline or dock areas?
Yes. The pellets sink to the bottom where they dissolve and begin to consume muck in the areas in which they are applied. Simply broadcasting the Muck Remover around beach and dock areas rapidly reduces noxious odors and starts the restoration process. Don't be surprised if you see more fish around the dock as conditions improve.