Identify & Treat Curly Leaf Pondweed
Curly Leaf Pondweed, Potamogeton crispus, is a rooted submerged pond weed. Other common names include curled pondweed, curly leafed pondweed, and crisped pondweed. It produces growth up to 3 feet long. Leaves are narrow and can grow up to 4 inches in length. The leaves are wavy, similar to a piece of lasagna. Leaves do not float at the surface like American pondweed.

This particular species of pondweed is considered non-native throughout the United States. Growth can occur in water up to 15 feet deep.
Curly leafed pondweed mainly spreads from seeds produced. Unlike other pondweeds, Potamogeton crispus begins its growth cycle in fall and winter. Weed presence in the pond appears before most other weeds. Curly-leaf dies back around the month of July. This is when seeds are dropped. This pond weed can be spread from water body to water body from plant fragments.
How to get rid of curly leaf pondweed:
Natural Management Options
Early season application of Pond Dye can limit pond weed growth. Dye must be applied before growth begins and maintained throughout the year to be effective.
Existing weed growth can be removed manually with a pond rake. Manual removal be needed multiple times per year.
Grass carp can be used to control pondweed growth. Grass carp can eat 2-3 times their own body weight in vegetation per day!
Chemical Management Options
Aquathol K and Aquathol Super K provide excellent control of curly leafed pondweed. This treatment yields quick results. These treatments have no water use restrictions after use.
Sonar provides a long term management solution for curly leaf pondweed. Sonar reacts slowly, taking 30-60 days for results. However, this treatment successfully kills to the roots. The entire pond must be treated for success. This treatment option is only for ponds with little or no flow coming into the pond. Sonar AS, Sonar RTU, and Sonar One are all available options
Propeller provides good control of pond weed species. Results are noticed within 1 week.
Duckweed Destroyer is a great fast-acting, broad spectrum treatment option. This is a great choice if there are multiple weed species needing controlled. Duckweed Destroyer is also great for ponds that have algae and pondweeds growing in the same area.