Water Shield plant aka Dollar Bonnet
Brasenia schreberi is a rooted rhizome that produces long purple stems connected to oval shaped leaves. The leaves float at the pond surface. The leaves are 1-4” wide and have a slimy coating on the bottom of the leaves. Water shield also grows a small purple flower.
Watershield is also known as dollar bonnet. Floating leaves look similar to lily pads but water shield leaves are smaller and oval in shape. Click here to see water lilies, which have a larger floating leaf.

Where does watershield grow?
Growth can occur in up to 6 feet of water. It can be found in lakes and ponds throughout the United States.
Is watershield good for ponds?
Water shield provides habitat for fish species like bluegill, largemouth bass, and bream. The plant itself provides food for waterfowl and other wildlife visiting the pond.
In shallow ponds, water shield can become a nuisance weed and require management. Watershield can spread quickly in a pond or lake when nutrient levels are elevated.
How to get rid of watershield in ponds
Watershield can be removed physically with a lake rake. Vegetation can repopulate from any left over roots or seeds. It is difficult to pull water shield by hand because of the slim coating on leaves and stems.
Contact herbicides and systemic herbicides provide the best pond weed control.
How to kill watershield:
For early season control apply Navigate granular aquatic herbicide. Granules sink to the bottom and kill watershield at the root system. Begin noticing results in 7-10 days.
Clearcast can be applied to mature vegetation that is above the water surface. Clearcast is a liquid aquatic herbicide that is applied by tank sprayer. All watershield pads must be sprayed for good results. Begin noticing results in 7-10 days.
Propeller is a great treatment option if there are multiple aquatic weeds growing in an area of the pond. Propeller comes in a granular form but is dissolved in water and tank sprayed in areas where there is active growth.